Atrophy - Thinning of skin
Bulla - Large fluid-filled blister
Crusted - Dried exudate
Ecchymosis - Large 'bruise'
Erosion - Small denuded area of skin
Excoriation - Scratch mark
Fissure - Deep linear crack
Lichenified - Thickened skin with normal markings
Macule - Flat, circumscribed non-palpable lesion
Nodule - Large papule more than 0.5cm
Papule - Small palpable circumscribed lesion
Petechia - Pinpoint-size macule of blood in the skin
Plaque - Large flat-topped palpable lesion
Purpura - Larger macule of blood in the skin which does not blanch on pressure
Pustule - Pus-filled lesion (white/yellow)
Scaly - Visible flakes/ shedding of skin surface
Telangiectasia - Abnormal visible dilatation of blood vessels
Ulcer - Large denuded area of skin
Vesicle - Small fluid-filled blister
Wheal - Raised erythematous swelling (dermal swelling)