Serious causes
- MI
- Dissecting aortic aneurysm
- Pericarditis
- Pulmonary embolism
- Character
- Constricting (angina, oesophageal spasm, anxiety)
- Sharp (pleura, pericardium)
- Prolonged dull central chest pain (MI)
- Radiation
- Shoulder/both arms or epigastric (cardiac ischaemia)
- Instantaneous, tearing, interscapular or retrosternal (aortic dissection)
- Precipitants
- Cold, exercise, palpitations or emotion (cardiac or anxiety)
- Food, lying flat, hot drinks, alcohol (oesophageal spasm but may still be cardiac)
- Relieving factors
- Rest of GTN (cardiac)
- Antacid (GI)
- Leaning forward (pericarditis)
- Associations
- Dyspnoea (cardiac pain, pulmonary emboli, pleurisy, or anxiety)
- Nausea, vomiting, or sweating (MI)
- Chest pain with tenderness (Tietze's syndrome)
- Pleuritic pain
- Pain exacerbated by inspiration
- Inflammation of pleura
- Differentials include musculoskeletal (fractured rib) or subdiaphragmatic pathology (gallstones)
- Acutely ill patients
- Admit to hospital
- Check pulse and BP in both arms
- heart sounds
- Examine legs for DVT
- Give O2 by mask
- IV line
- Relieve pain (morphine 5-10mg IV slowly 2mg/min + antiemetic)
- Cardiac monitor
- 12 lead ECG
- Think about: dissection, zoster, ruptured oesophagus, cardiac tamponade with shock, opiate addiction
- Causes
- Pulmonary embolism
- Any respiratory cause
- Anxiety
- History
- SOB at rest or exertion
- Exercise tolerance
- Episodic or triggered by lying flat
- Heart failure: orthopnoea (pillows at night), paroxysmal noctural dyspnoea (waking up at night gasping for breath), and peripheral oedema
- Pulmonary embolism: acute onset of dyspnoea and pleuritic chest pain, risk factors for DVT
- Causes
- Ectopics
- AF
- Ventricular tachycardia
- Thyrotoxicosis
- Anxiety
- Phaeochromocytoma
- History
- Previous episodes
- Precipitating/relieving factors
- Duration of symptoms
- Chest pain
- Dyspnoea
- Dizziness
- Patient's pulse?
- Cardiac or CNS events
- Vasovagal 'faints' are common (pulse decreased, pupils dilated)
- Cardiac cause: Chest pain, palpitations, dyspnoea
- CNS cause: Aura, headache, dysarthria, limb weakness
- Ask observer:
- Was there pulse?
- Limb jerking?
- Tongue biting?
- Urinary incontinence?
- Rapid (arrhythmia)?
- Prolonged (seizure)?
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