Wednesday, 12 December 2012


·         FEV1/FVC lower and can’t be reversed well with bronchodilators
·         Treatment
o   Smoking cessation
o   Bronchodilators
o   Corticosteroids
o   Oxygen
o   Infection prevention/treatment
·         BODE index
o   BMI
o   Obstruction (airflow)
o   Dyspnoea
o   Exercise capacity

Obstructive sleep apnoea
·         Sleepiness due to waking up many times at night
·         Fall in arterial O2 sats many times (measured on pulse oximetry)
·         Treatment
o   CPAP
o   Weight loss

·         Permanent dilation of airways caused by CF or post-infectious
·         Recurrent infections
·         High resolution CT for diagnosis
·         Treatment
o   Physiotherapy
o   Antibiotics
o   Bronchodilators
o   Inhaled or oral steroids
o   Surgery (lung or heart/lung transplantation

Cystic fibrosis
·         Autosomal recessive
·         CFTR on chromosome 7 (CF transmembrane conductance regulator)
·         Treatment
o   Bronchiectasis
o   Pancreatic insufficiency (exocrine)

·         Airflow limitation, airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation of the bronchi
·         Extrinsic (younger) or intrinsic (older)
·         Diagnosis: Demonstrate variability by measuring PEFR or FEV1 (15% minimum), and look at CXR and atopy (histamine challenge?)
·         Treatment
o   B2 agonist
o   Add inhaled corticosteroids
o   Add LABA or leukotriene receptor antagonist (monteleukast or oral theophylline
o   Increase corticosteroids to 2000 micrograms daily
o   Add 40mg oral prednisolone daily
o   Hospital

·         Notifiable
o   Test all relatives (Mantoux?)
o   Treat relatives
o   Look at CXR and cultures
·         Standard treatment
o   Rifampicin
§  Turns secretions pink
§  Increased LFT and induces liver enzymes
o   Isoniazid
§  Polyneuropathy
§  ADD pyridoxine to prevent this
o   Pyrazinamide
§  Rashes and arthralgia and hyperuricaemia and gout
o   Ethambutol
§  Optic neuritis (check regularly)
o   Streptomycin
·         Prevent
o   BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guerin)

·         Multisystem granulomatous disorder of unknown cause
·         Affects
o   Chest
§  Cough, breathlessness, wheeze, crackles
o   Skin
§  Erythema nodosum, lupus pernio, infiltration of scars
o   Eye
§  Anterior and posterior uveitis, conjunctival nodules, lacrimal gland enlargement, uveoparotid fever (Heerfordt’s syndrome with uveitis, parotid gland enlargement and facial nerve palsy)
o   Bone
§  Arthralgias, bone cysts
o   Metabolic
§  Hypercalcaemia (sarcoid macrophages produce 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D)
o   Liver
§  Granulomatous hepatitis, hepatosplenomegaly
o   Neurological
§  Meningeal inflammation, seizures, mass lesions, hypothalamic-pituitary infiltration, diffuse sensorimotor neuropathy
o   Cardiac
§  Ventricular arrhythmias, conduction defects, cardiomyopathy with cardiac failure
·         Managed by:
o   Usually nothing
o   Can give prednisolone or even methotrexate/azathioprine/cyclophosphamide
·         Kills by
o   Respiratory damage
o   Renal damage due to hypercalciuria

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